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15 October 2013

Ferrari sparkling wine and the famous Italian cuisine triumph in Tokyo with Oreno Italian

Oreno is one of the most used words in the language of the inhabitants of the Japanese empire and is translated in English into “my.” Oreno placed next to Italian becomes “my Italian,” brand and label of a small chain of restaurants which are enjoying extraordinary success in the giant city of Tokyo and in which Ferrari sparkling wines are proving themselves to be the popular selection.  The Oreno Italian restaurants are born of a love of a group of  Japanese with the Italian culture, who want to share not only the best of Italian cuisine but also the Italian way of life.  Each restaurant in the chain includes a pizzeria and is designed to present the vibrant and animated Italian lifestyle as it would be experienced in any typical Italian restaurant. Once inside the restaurant, the atmosphere is made even more lively and festive with the continuous movement of guests swirling around with drink in hand entertaining and being entertained in an informal environment. The success of Oreno Italian is due to the amazing combination of good quality and good price, the accurate representation of real Italy and Ferrari sparkling wine offered in bottles or by the glass.  There are currently five restaurants in the chain with another, even bigger, slated to open in the Ginza neighborhood.  Needless to say the ribbon-cutting ceremony will be accompanied by a grand toast with a Ferrari Jeroboam.


Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.

It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.

Enter the website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!

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