Sustainability has always been part of Ferrari Trento’s DNA. It is its way of being, consisting of respect for people and for nature, as part of a programme of continuous innovation aimed at offering excellence inside every bottle.
The challenges that Ferrari has decided to face have to do with a quest for a harmonious balance between man and nature: protection of the natural environment, healthy human development and solid economic growth are the assets on which to construct the future.

Ferrari Trento confirms its commitment to the promotion of sustainable practices and policies by adhering, with Gruppo Lunelli, to the United Nations Global Compact, a network that unites governments, businesses, United Nations agencies, trade unions and civil society organisations with the aim of promoting a sustainable global economy that respects human and labour rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.
With this approach, Ferrari wants to make a concrete contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified by the UN, and in particular those relating to responsible consumption and production, the promotion and protection of biodiversity, the fight against climate change, health and wellbeing, decent work and economic growth, gender equality and sustainable water management.

Discover the Gruppo Lunelli Sustainability Report
Sustainability report 2022 Sustainability report 2021 Sustainability report 2020We firmly believe that any company should not limit itself to creating value for its shareholders but also produce wellbeing, safety and beauty for its workers, its stakeholders, and for the community, demonstrating social responsibility and great attention to safeguarding the environment.

Custodians of the Earth
For years, the company has been committed to ensuring that the grapes harvested are of the highest quality and, at the same time, respectful of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems. An approach, adopted on the estate’s own land and followed by many of the winegrowers, that promotes healthy and sustainable mountain viticulture, aimed at nourishing the soil by enriching the organic substance, using manure, working the soils to make them more vital, sowing green manure in the autumn to increase the number of varieties for bees and pollinating insects.

It finds recognition in the ‘Biodiversity Friend’ certification that has been awarded to the estate’s vineyards every year since 2015, confirming their ability to preserve the environmental integrity of the land.
Among the activities carried out in favour of biodiversity, also as part of the ‘Earth-Air-Water’ project of the Trento Biodistrict, with the technical support of MUSE (the Trento Science Museum), is the installation of beehives and nest boxes for birds in the vineyards.
Carbon neutrality
For the third year in a row, Ferrari Trento has achieved Carbon Neutrality scope 1, 2 and part of 3 certification at corporate level, i.e. making the climate impact of the company’s emissions zero.
The objective was achieved thanks to a series of choices, initiated years ago, aimed at reducing emissions, including the creation of a photovoltaic park on the roof of the winery which will be further expanded in 2024, and the purchase of electricity exclusively from renewable sources, combined with an offsetting activity with certified carbon credits.

Ferrari Trento’s emissions have been certified and offset by Climate Partner, an international company specialising in assessing and solving climate impact issues, according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, one of the best-known international methods.
The certification refers to the reduction and offsetting of emissions deriving from the energy and fuels used by the company, defined as scopes 1 and 2, but also includes part of scope 3, which includes the supply chain, as company travel, employee home-to-work transfers and the upstream emissions chain deriving from consumption within the company have been included.

Photovoltaic system
More renewable energy thanks to a new photovoltaic plant
A photovoltaic plant is scheduled to be installed on the roof of the headquarters in Ravina in the course of 2024, which will increase energy production and meet part of the company’s needs.
The initiative is co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF Programme 2021 – 2027 and is part of the sustainability path in which Ferrari Trento and Gruppo Lunelli have been committed for decades.
Cultivating talent

Ferrari Trento is committed to building a working environment in which employees’ health and safety are ensured, opportunities for professional growth are offered, equal opportunities, fair pay and the possibility to reconcile work and family are guaranteed.
The personnel management policy is based on respect for diversity and inclusion.
Job creation is geared towards ensuring a concrete, quality response to employment needs, particularly of young people and women, based exclusively on criteria of merit and competence.
In light of the attention paid to employees and the strong link with the territory, in the year in which Trento is the Italian and European Capital of Volunteering, the initiative ‘Your time for the community’ was launched, a corporate volunteering day that allows all employees to dedicate a working day to a social activity at a local non-profit organisation.
Ferrari Trento also continues with the Fondazione Altagamma project ‘Adopt a School’ thanks to a partnership with the Istituto Alberghiero Trentino di Levico Terme, with the aim of enhancing the training of students in the hospitality sector.

Together with the community
The link with the territory is a strong element that characterises Ferrari Trento, whose quality is closely dependent on the land where the raw material is cultivated. Considering it the centre of its corporate social responsibility is therefore a duty for Ferrari, which is committed every year to promoting Trentino and its mountain viticulture.
The promotion of the territory also passes through the preservation of the artistic heritage it hosts; this is why Ferrari Trento has carried out a major enhancement and restoration of Villa Margon, a Renaissance mansion immersed in the vineyards above Trento, and Gruppo Lunelli’s representative office.
With the conviction that, in addition to respecting the territory, it is important to support the communities in which it operates, Ferrari Trento pursues a strong commitment in the social sphere, supporting, through donations, sponsorships, economic and product donations, local associations that work in favour of the most vulnerable people and international realities such as the ‘Lar da Esperança Elda Lunelli’ in Mozambique.
Among its various initiatives, Ferrari Trento has for several years supported ‘Ferrari for Samuele’, a social agriculture project promoted by the Cooperativa Samuele: 2,000 customised bottles have been donated by the Lunelli family to the Cooperativa Samuele, which for years has been supplying Ferrari with Chardonnay grapes grown in the vineyards on the high hills of Trento. It has also adhered, with the ‘Bollicine Solidali’ project, to “Ristoranti contro la Fame”, (Restaurants against hunger) the largest solidarity campaign in the Italian restaurant industry, involving more than two hundred restaurants throughout Italy in raising funds for programmes against world hunger.
Ferrari Trento has also started a collaboration with the platform Goodify: visitors to the Trento winery and customers of Enoteca Lunelli receive a voucher associated with a QR code that allows them to access the online platform and choose the non-profit organisation to which the company will donate 5 Euros.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!