Beetroot Gnocchi
- 500 gr boiled red potatoes
- 500 gr boiled old yellow potatoes
- 2eggyolk
- 600 gr flour „00“
- 200 gr beetroot reduction
- Salt, pepper
Mix all the ingredients together until the dough is homogenous. Let it rest for about 1 hour.
- 500 gr cream
- 150 gr horseradish paste
- 14 gr Agar-Agar
Bring 300 gr of cream to boil and add the horseradish paste. Leave it to infuse for about 1 hour. Filter and add 200 gr of cream, agar-agar and bring to boil. Place the cream into silpat molds (half sphere) and freeze. Roll out the dough and place the frozen filling inside; shape like a turnip and freeze.
- 500 gr daikon
- 1 lt fresh cream
- 1ltfreshmilk
- Salt, pepper
Peel and cut the daikon cress in cubes. Bring t boil the milk and the cream. Add the daikon cress and cook for 2 hours. Mix and strain through a sieve.
- 500 gr beetroot reduction
- 30 gr red wine vinegar
- thyme
- garlic
Centrifuge the beetroots, season with apple cider vinegar and let simmer for 10/15 min. Filter through a sieve and add the xanthan, clarify the mixture using the vacuum machine.
- 500 gr “puccia” bread
- 600 gr beer
- 4gr charcoal
Mix all ingredients for 5 minutes. Pour on a silpat and let it dry in oven at 55 c for 12 hours.
Splash some of the escapeche on the plate. Sprinkle the beer soil on the plate and put 5 gnocchi on the soil. In the end put three quenelle of daikon crème on the plate.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!