30 June 2023
“Villa Margon – The Renaissance in Trento”, a precious art book dedicated to the representative seat of Gruppo Lunelli.

The work, published by Skira Editore, with images by Massimo Listri, brings together the impressive historical and artistic research work carried out by Michelangelo Lupo and will be in bookshops from July
Ferrari Trento wanted to dedicate to Villa Margon, a splendid 16th-century residence on the outskirts of Trento in the heart of its most historic vineyards, a refined book published by Skira Editore, which tells its history and beauty and will be in bookshops from July.
“Villa Margon – The Renaissance in Trento”, is a two-volume work by architect Michelangelo Lupo, who has been passionate about the Villa for over thirty years and has dedicated five years of study and research to bringing to light the rich historical and artistic heritage of this wonderful place.
The first volume, mainly of a photographic nature, opens with an introduction by Davide Rampello. The texts by Michelangelo Lupo retrace its history and illustrate the visit, an experience available to all art and wine tourism enthusiasts, as Villa Margon is open to the public. The striking images are by the famous photographer Massimo Listri, known for his work on design and architecture.
Years of research by architect Lupo in Italian, German, Austrian and English libraries, archives and museums to trace sources and materials relating to the frescoes and works in the Villa have resulted in a second volume with a scientific slant, which in over 500 pages offers an in-depth study of the history, architecture and art treasures of the Villa. The book features 14 information-rich chapters, over 2000 notes, 700 bibliographical entries and 41 pages of graphic tables. In addition, some 90 transcribed documents are included, including notarial deeds, inventories, surveys, wills, dotal agreements and feudal investitures.
Villa Margon is one of the most important stately homes built in the 16th century and stands in a landscape of rare beauty in the mountains surrounding Trento, immersed in a large park and surrounded by the vineyards from which Ferrari Trentodoc sparkling wine is born. Characterised by a portico surmounted by elegant loggias, five centuries of history can be breathed in its rooms, starting with the victories of Emperor Charles V, whose exploits are extolled in one of the fresco cycles that embellish the villa. Other fresco cycles include those depicting episodes from the Old and New Testaments and one dedicated to the twelve months of the year. Significantly, as many as three of the twelve months in this cycle are dedicated to the world of vines and wine, confirming the long winemaking tradition of the Trentino region. Also, of great value is the collection of works of art, including sculptures, starting with the delicate “Amore e Psiche” (Cupid and Psyche) from the school of Antonio Canova, and furniture from the Flemish and German areas.
On the occasion of the book’s publication, Ferrari Trento has also created a 3-dimensional mapping of the Villa and the garden, which will be visitable virtually at www.ferraritrento.com e www.gruppolunelli.it/en.
Ferrari Trento’s representative headquarters since the 1990s, the Villa has been restored to its former glory through several rounds of restoration, the most significant of which took place in the last three years, overseen by Michelangelo Lupo himself, and has been preserved over time like a precious casket.
An architect specialising in art history and director of the Buonconsiglio Castle Museum in Trento from 1978 to 1984, Lupo commented on the publication of this publication as ‘the result of an important research project that I was passionate about and that Villa Margon deserves: the richness and quality of the works preserved in this residence make it truly unique. Alongside my commitment, that of the Lunelli family, which has respected and enhanced Villa Margon, promoting it internationally and bringing it back to the centre of the town’s cultural life’.
Matteo Lunelli, President and CEO of Ferrari Trento added: “Villa Margon is the story of our bond with the territory and the values on which we founded our Group: from the pursuit of excellence in every detail to our commitment to the promotion and protection of our land. In fact, for years we have been promoting Villa Margon as part of the “percorso del Bello e del Buono”, an experience of taste, art and landscape that begins with a visit to the Ferrari Cellars, immerses itself in the splendour of the villa, and then concludes with a gourmet moment at the nearby Michelin-starred restaurant Locanda Margon. Our hope is that this book, thanks to the valuable work of architect Lupo, will give further value to the treasures housed in the Villa and allow us to convey to those who have not yet visited it, the beauty of this dwelling thanks to the splendid images by Massimo Listri.”
“Villa Margon – The Renaissance in Trento” will be available in bookshops in a boxed set containing the two volumes, at the price of €75.00. The photographic volume can be purchased individually at the price of € 40.00.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
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