21 August 2018
The 2018 harvest has begun in Ferrari’s vineyards

On 17th August harvesting began in the vineyards on the mountainside slopes that produce the Chardonnay grapes which form the base for Ferrari’s Trentodoc wines.
This is a date that is rather earlier than the norm, but is nevertheless in line with last year, when the hot weather also led to the grapes having a good balance between sugar and acidity and an excellent concentration of aromas even in mid-August.
“The 2018 vintage promises to be of very high quality, in spite of a demanding growing season from a viticultural point of view. Quantities will be higher than in 2017, returning therefore to average values for the last ten years”, comments Marcello Lunelli, Vice-President of Cantine Ferrari and Technical Director of the Lunelli Group.
Mountain viticulture, combined with growing practices based on the precepts of sustainability, therefore allowed us to obtain vines with excellent vegetation. This guaranteed good yields in the vineyards, giving us once again this year grapes of great complexity and with very fine aromas.
Picking began with the Chardonnay vineyards at lower altitudes and, after about a month of harvesting, we will arrive in our highest vineyards, both of Chardonnay and of Pinot Nero. As in other vintages, harvesting will be exclusively manual, so as to preserve the integrity of the fruit and allow for suitable grape selection under the careful supervision of Ferrari’s agronomists. This will be a period of hard but festive work, which will lead to us consigning just the best grapes to the winery. Once again this year, Ferrari’s winemakers will undoubtedly succeed in transforming these grapes into Trentodoc sparkling wines of great elegance.

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