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24 November 2014

There will be toasting with Ferrari this evening in Piazza della Scala for the selling of the shares of “LaVerdi”

The grand banquet for this evening will take place in Piazza della Scala in a historic building that was once the headquarters of the Commercial Bank of  Italy. This event is another of the many examples of how Ferrari is working to promote culture, and in this case, that of musical culture.  This evening’s dinner reserved for an elite of 150 guests has one goal the sale, with the permission of Consob, of  49.9% of the company which owns the Milan’s Auditorium. This is the primary residence of the Giuseppe Verdi Symphony Orchestra, known affectionately by the Milanese as ‘LaVerdi’, four other orchestras and two choruses,  which are all recognized stars in the world of classical music.  The Milan’s Auditorium refers to the Verdi Orchestra Foundation and the dinner of this evening will be the starting point for the selling of the shares.  The inaugural toast for an unprecedented initiative which will welcome thousands of classical music enthusiasts into the role of joint shareholders of the Auditorium, a masterpiece of acoustics, will be with Ferrari magnum bottles.

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