14 April 2010
Ferrari sparkling wines, the unique Italian bubbles, in the Top 100 Cellar Selection of Wine Enthusiast

The American magazine Wine Enthusiast is among the most prestigious and widespread international wine magazines and in its latest issue, which came out at the same time as Vinitaly, it mentions in its list of the 100 best wines in the world, Top 100 Cellar Selection Wines of 2009. And Ferrari was among of this élite. The strict judges of Wine Enthusiast placed Giulio Ferrari among the 100 greatest wines of the world with a score of 93 and gave enthusiastic reviews. An enthusiasm that led to Giulio Ferrari being among the US magazine’s elect, or rather among the ten wines that were tasted in Vinitaly, with Wine Enthusiast’s top connoisseur, Adam Strum, and Monica Larner, the magazine’s Italian editor. This recognition is much more thrilling if one considers that among the élite of 100 wines, there are just five sparkling wine labels and only one is Italian. And also in the Vinitaly wine-tasting the only bubbles were Ferrari.

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