30 November 2021
Ferrari Trento has consolidated its position as the leading wine brand in Italy

The Gruppo Lunelli winery finds itself, for the second year running, in first place in the Italian Wine Brand Power Index by Wine Intelligence.
Once again this year Ferrari Trento is in first place in the Wine Brand Power Index ranking, which aims at assessing the strength of the main Italian wine brands through an in-depth analysis of the regular Italian wine consumers carried out by Wine Intelligence, an English consultancy and market research company specialised in the world of wine.
In 2021, with a Brand Awareness Index of 100 and an overall Brand Power Index of 97, Ferrari has achieved a much higher ranking than all the other brands involved. With a score of 96 the brand also has the highest Purchase Index, which measures the frequency and intention to purchase, and a very high Connection Index level (product to be recommended to other consumers) equal to 95.
“Being recognized as the strongest wine brand in Italy is a significant confirmation that comes in a year full of satisfaction and just a few days after receiving the title of ‘Sparkling Wine Producer of the Year’ won at The Champagne & Sparkling Wine World Championships” commented Matteo Lunelli, President and CEO of Ferrari Trento. “Awards and acknowledgment from the most authoritative opinion leaders in the sector are naturally very important, but even more so is the appreciation of our very loyal customers and of all enthusiasts, who not only know about and choose our Trentodocs, but they also recommend them to friends and relatives, as emerged from the results of the Wine Intelligence research.”
“The index” states Pierpaolo Penco, Wine Intelligence country manager for Italy “measures the health of a wine brand by taking various indicators into account: consumer awareness, remembered purchases, future purchase intention and the connection the consumer makes with the brand, based on their willingness to recommend it to others and according to the level at which they believe the brand is right for people like them.”
The “Brand Power Index” is part of the broader research project ‘Italy Wine Landscapes 2021’ that Wine Intelligence has recently published, in which it interviewed 1000 regular consumers of Italian wine, highlighting the fact that during the pandemic period the popularity and prestige of Italian bubbles also grew. These sparkling wines were consumed above all in the younger adult age group in which the female counterpart is becoming ever more important.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the ferraritrento.com website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!