22 December 2021
Ferrari Trento presents its first Sustainability Report

Its rapport with the local area – a terroir to be protected, highlighted and promoted – is at the heart of the vision of sustainability of the winery belonging to Gruppo Lunelli
Sustainability, conceived above all as an intimate, indissoluble rapport with its region, has always been part of Ferrari Trento’s DNA. It is in fact due to the values that form the basis for the entrepreneurial vision of the Lunelli family and which it shares with all those who work alongside it, that Ferrari has succeeded in growing, at the same time creating wellbeing, safety and beauty for those who work in the company and for the local community.
As it approaches the 120th year of its history, the company has felt the need to give a structure to its natural vocation for sustainability by adopting a rigorous, systematic approach that allows it to define and measure its social and environmental policies and performance, so that its commitment may be seen as coherent, clear and demonstrable.
For this reason, a Sustainability Committee has been set up – for the whole of Gruppo Lunelli – with the task of proposing to the Boards of Directors of each of the member companies, beginning with Ferrari, long-term strategies and objectives that seek to combine economic sustainability with that of a social and environmental nature. As a result, it has also been decided to publish Ferrari Trento’s first Sustainability Report – drafted according to precise international (GRI) standards and with the support of the specialist consultancy company Collectibus – which retraces what was achieved during the course of 2020, defines the company’s vision of sustainability, and formalizes certain commitments for the future.
Its rapport with the terroir is and remains the central aspect in Ferrari Trento’s social responsibility. This is a terroir to be protected – thanks to the company’s decision to obtain Organic and Biodiversity Friend certification for all of the vineyards owned by the Group and its commitment to spreading a culture of sustainability throughout the area; a terroir to be highlighted – by conserving its artistic heritage and encouraging opening it up to the public, as in the case of Villa Margon, the Group’s hospitality centre; and a terroir to be promoted – by means of Ferrari’s offerings in terms of wine tourism and in its communication of the company. In fact, a virtuous circle has been established, whereby Trentino and Trentodoc are protagonists in the company’s communication, and the unique nature of mountain viticulture – which Ferrari is proud to represent – is underlined.
Ferrari Trento’s commitment is a constant one, which always involves both environmental and social aspects. On the viticultural front, for example, the company has gone beyond the conversion of its own vineyards to organic farming methods by drafting the protocol titled “Il Vigneto Ferrari – per una viticoltura di montagna sostenibile e salubre”, which has been certified by CSQA. Aimed at the more than 600 vine-growers who supply grapes to Ferrari who have been given appropriate training – both theoretical and in practice – the protocol concentrates on the natural fertility of the soil, with the dual objective of protecting the environment and also the health of those who work in the vineyards.
People’s safety was a central issue in 2020, because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The company’s approach, which has historically always protected workers, offering 92% of the personnel permanent contracts and various other forms of support, reinforced its attention to health and safety, enabling Ferrari to achieve its ambitious goal of “zero infection in the workplace”. Even in a difficult year like 2020, Ferrari Trento increased its workforce by 13 people, widening the company’s welfare plan and integrating the income of those who were forced to claim unemployment benefit. It also put into effect measures to support the value chain and doubled its charitable donations, which were for more than 450,000 Euro (0.7% of turnover), in order to assist the community at this particularly critical time.
It emerges clearly from the 2020 Sustainability Report that faithfulness to a vision of business that is close to the local area and attentive to people allowed Ferrari Trento to react to the crisis with excellent results, remaining coherent with its long-term strategy: that of creating outstanding Trentodoc sparkling wines that are representative of sustainable mountain viticulture and worldwide ambassadors for the Italian Art of Living.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the ferraritrento.com website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!