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Be the first to find out what’s new in the world of Ferrari

24 August 2012

“Grape Harvest Aperitif” at the Ferrari Winery

If it is already exciting entering into one of the largest traditional method sparkling wineries imagine what it would be like to visit during the harvesting of the grapes; when, at the closing of the day, there is a continuous procession of just-picked grapes arriving and you can be a part of their transformation into must which will be available for tasting.  With this in mind, Ferarri winery will open her doors during the evening for the Grape Harvest Aperitif.  With three different dates: Wednesday, 29 August, Friday, 31 August and Friday, 7 September, always beginning at 19:02.
The program will offer a tour of extraordinary charm beginning with the arrival of the just-picked grapes and following their journey to the wine presses.  There will also be the opportunity to taste the must and then a continuation with a guided tour of the wine cellar where lay, in the darkness and silence, 20 million bottles.  In one of the most evocative parts of the cellar it will be possible to witness a sabrage, which is the opening of a bottle with a blow from a saber, a typical sword of the Napoleonic generals.  The conclusion, at nightfall, will be an aperitif in which Ferrari sparkling wines will be served with delectable hors d’oeuvres, the handiwork of the Michelin star chef, Alfio Ghezzi and in collaboration with Trentingrana.
The cost is 15 euro with under 18 free of charge.  By appointment only.
 A perfect continuation of the starry night we offer a dinner at the Locanda Margon restaurant located in the midst of the Ferrari vineyards where the special menu for the evening is inspired by the grape harvest (32 euro).
For information and reservations:, + 39 0461 972416

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.

It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.

Enter the website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!

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