9 July 2019
The Summer has Started in Italy for Ferrari’s Sparkling Wines

Experience the best of Italy’s summer with the elegance and freshness of Ferrari’s sparkling wines, which have begun a long tour of the country’s most exclusive locations.
The first appointment was on 15th June, with the reopening for the summer of White Ostuni, one of the most exclusive establishments in Puglia, as well as at the Ferrari Sparkling Club, situated in the bay of Quarto di Monte at Monticelli in Puglia, just a stone’s throw from one of Italy’s most beautiful and enchanting beaches.
On 4th July, on the other hand, Ferrari’s sparkling wines offered a perfect complement to the spellbinding view of the sunset that one can enjoy from the Riccio Restaurant & Beach Club of the Capri Palace at Anacapri, the famous restaurant right next to the celebrated Blue Grotto. The event was rendered even more pleasurable by the set of Radio Deejay’s Andrea and Michele.
This week Trento-based Ferrari will fly to the Forte Village in Sardinia for the launch of the Celebrity Chef Nights, a delicious initiative involving three great Michelin-starred chefs: Alfio Ghezzi (from 10th to 12th July), Giuseppe Mancino (from 17th to 19th July) and Enrico Cerea (from 27th to 28th July). These will be exceptional events at which the dishes of these exceptional chefs will be accompanied by Ferrari’s finest Trentodoc wines.
Also in Sardinia, the Phi Beach, a venue of outstanding beauty close to the military fortress of Forte Cappellini at Baja Sardinia, will host an evening on 13th July featuring sparkling wines, artistic performances and lots of music.
Ferrari’s Trentodoc wines were also the official drinks for celebrating the opening of the Torre Maizza hotel at Savelletri di Fasano in Puglia, which now becomes part of the Rocco Forte Hotels chain, a Group that has always paid a great deal of attention to the very best that Italy has to offer, particularly due to the origins of its founders. This was an all-round celebration of The Italian Art of Living, for which Ferrari’s bubblies will also be ambassadors on 21st July at Chez Gherdi in Formentera and on 23rd July at IT in Ibiza.
However, the upcoming appointments do not end here: there are also various collaborations scheduled with the Belmond Group, to which some of Italy’s most stunning hotels belong.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the ferraritrento.com website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!