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Be the first to find out what’s new in the world of Ferrari

7 June 2011

Wine Spectator's Grand Tour 2011: Giulio Ferrari is the only Italian sparkling wine invited

Giulio Ferrari is already well-known in the States, but now after participating in Wine Spectator’s Grand Tour and the wine tastings led by Marcello Lunelli it is even more well-known.
For those who don’t know, Wine Spectator, certainly the most important and influential monthly wine magazine in America and perhaps the world, each year organises a tour of the most important US cities, this year Chicago, Las Vegas and Boston, with wine tastings of the best labels in the world.
The criteria is quality according to a ranking of the top score ratings given to the wines by the magazine’s board of tasters.
It was a great satisfaction for Ferrari to be the only Italian bubbles present; recognition of the work, carried out over one hundred years of company history, aimed at only the highest quality, and a modern Italian-ness which is always appreciated in the States.
A Grand Tour of sensational wines dedicated to a select public willing to pay a 220 dollars entry fee.
Marcello Lunelli defines the experience as “thrilling” for the interest and expertise shown by enthusiasts for the quality Italian bubbles at the Ferrari stand. “A sign,” Lunelli continues “that the work carried out on the US market by Ferrari and its importer Palm Bay to promote and correctly position the quality of the Italian method is achieving excellent results”. A feeling which is also confirmed by the visit made to Ferrari by Thomas Matthews, Executive Editor of Wine Spectator, during the Las Vegas evening which rounded off a tour full of positive feedback.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.

It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.

Enter the website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!

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